
Monday, August 26, 2013

Digital Video Resources Available on the Web

Finding resources and support on the web for video editing professionals.
Resources for video editing professionals on the web.
In past blogs, I wrote about LinkedIn Groups for the Film and Video Pros and Facebook Resources for Digital Video Editors. This week we'll discuss some of the other resources for digital video professionals that are available on the web. These resources are stand-alone resources and aren't part of any of the social media websites.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Mourning the Loss of Adobe in My Video Workflow

Adobe Master Collection CS6 may be my last version of Adobe's tools.
Adobe Master Collection CS6 may be my last version.
Back in June, I wrote about My Problem with Adobe Creative Cloud. Now that Adobe has become a subscription-only software product, I have had to come to terms with the fact that the Adobe Master Collection CS6 may be my last version. Don't get me wrong, I still think Adobe makes great software, but their new licensing model has made it impractical to maintain.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Collaboration Tools for Avid Editing Systems

Simple web video editing is possible with Interplay Central.
Last Wednesday evening I attended the Boston Avid Users Group meeting at Avid Technology headquarters in Burlington, MA. The theme of the night was collaborative workflows in post production and featured a demo of Avid Interplay given by Avid's Bob Russo.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Avid Editing Tips and Tricks - Part VI

Avid video editing tips and tricks for a more efficient DV workflow.
Avid tips and tricks for a more efficient DV workflow.
This week's collection of Avid Editing Tips and Tricks is the sixth part of the series. I will continue to add to this series as I think of new (and old) tips and tricks. As always, if you have any comments or suggestions, you can reach me through the comments of this blog, through Google+, LinkedIn or Twitter using the @mBlazeVideo handle.